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"The Lord, My Shepherd"

David, in Psalm 37:23 said, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. And he delights in his way.” David knew what it meant to trust God in this way.

In psalm 23:1-3 David wrote, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name sake.” Notice that God provided everything David needed. All David did was put his trust in God. He trusted the Lord; his Shepherd.

The same is true for you and me. The lord will cause us to lie down in green pastures. And leads us beside still waters, restores our soul, and lead us in the paths of righteousness. But first we must trust that he is our shepherd and know that if we will follow him, and put our hope and confidence in his word he will accomplish His will in our lives.

It’s absolutely crucial to follow him in order to walk in victory because only God knows what the path of life holds for us as we continue our journey into the future. We have a tendency to make decisions based only on what we see and experience at that present moment, but God sees the big picture. He’s got an aerial-view of time and space and is much more qualified to make the decisions that will determine the outcome of our life. God has promised to go before us and lead us through this life and into the next. We are to trust him beyond what we see, and in spite of our circumstances.

The Bible teaches us that we are to “walk by faith and not by sight.” (1-Corinthians 5:7) In other words, we walk according to what God sees not what we see ourselves.

There are times when we may not understand what we are going through. We may ask God for some clear direction, or even a way out of the battle we’re in. And God simply says, “Trust me.” Instead of showing us what he sees and allowing us to get a glimpse of our victory he just says, “Follow me, trust me, lean on me and put your confidence in nothing else but me and my Word.”

Our hope is not in the answer he gives but in who he is. That’s when we are walking by faith.

That’s when we are living out Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust the Lord with all our hearts and to lean not to our own understanding. But in all our ways acknowledge the Lord.” In other words, make him a part of every thing you do. Because, as Paul said in Acts 17:28, “In him (Jesus Christ) we live, and move, and have our being.” Instead of constantly struggling to find God’s will for your life let me encourage you to trust the Lord… and let him direct your paths.

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